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Reviews/ Overviews
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Reviews/ Overviews
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Assessing the hidden dangers of volcanic CO2 exposure: a critical review of health impacts
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Naturally occurring arsenic and boron in geothermal systems and their health effects: A case study from Turkey
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Physicochemical or geochemical
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Reactive astrogliosis in the dentate gyrus of mice exposed to active volcanic environments
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Pulmonary oxidative stress and apoptosis in mice chronically exposed to hydrothermal volcanic emissions
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Overproduction of TNF-α and lung structural remodelling due to chronic exposure to volcanogenic air pollution
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Chronic exposure to non-eruptive volcanic activity as cause of bronchiolar histomorphological alteration and inflammation in mice
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Modelling, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Spatially modelling the risk areas of chronic exposure to hydrothermal volcanic emissions using lichens
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance
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Air pollution and mortality in the Rotorua geothermal area
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance
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Ambient geothermal hydrogen sulfide exposure and peripheral neuropathy
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Fluoride accumulation in groundwater from semi-arid part of Deccan Volcanic province, India: A cause of urolithiasis outbreak
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing
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Associations of ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure with self-reported asthma and asthma symptoms
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Physicochemical or geochemical
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Water contaminated by fresh tephra as a natural hazard factor: The 2008–2009 eruption of Koryakskii Volcano, Kamchatka
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Sulfur-rich geothermal emissions elevate acid aerosol levels in metropolitan Taipei
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Leaching, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing
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