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Leaching, Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Quantitative analysis of persistent volcanic fluoride risk reveals differential exposure pathways for adults and children downwind of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Physicochemical and toxicological profiling of ash from the 2010 and 2011 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull and Grímsvötn volcanoes, Iceland using a rapid respiratory hazard assessment protocol
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Modelling, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Spatially modelling the risk areas of chronic exposure to hydrothermal volcanic emissions using lichens
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical, Social research
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High prevalence of cognitive impairment among students near mount Merapi: a case study
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Cardiorespiratory health effects associated with acute exposure to hydrothermal gas emissions from Furnas Volcano
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Concurrent outbreaks of cholera and peripheral neuropathy associated with high mortality among persons internally displaced by a volcanic eruption
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Dental fluorosis linked to degassing of Ambrym volcano, Vanuatu: a novel exposure pathway
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Fluoride accumulation in groundwater from semi-arid part of Deccan Volcanic province, India: A cause of urolithiasis outbreak
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Increased thyroid cancer incidence in a basaltic volcanic area is associated with non–anthropogenic pollution and biocontamination
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Temporal kinetics of fluoride accumulation: from fetal to adult deer
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Unusually high incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma in a town of eastern Sicily: an epidemiological and environmental study
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Leaching, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Modelling, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Yttrium and lanthanides in human lung fluids, probing the exposure to atmospheric fallout
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Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Diffuse CO2 soil degassing and CO2 and H2S air concentration and related hazard at Vulcano Island (Aeolian arc, Italy)
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Leaching, Physicochemical or geochemical, Reviews/ Overviews
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Health hazards and disaster potential of ground gas emissions at Furnas volcano, Sao Miguel, Azores
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical, Reviews/ Overviews
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