Reviews/ Overviews
- (2024),
Hazardous volcanic CO2 diffuse degassing areas - A systematic review on environmental impacts, health, and mitigation strategies
, iScience, 27(10), 110990, 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110990
, - (2024),
Assessing the hidden dangers of volcanic CO2 exposure: a critical review of health impacts
, Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1465837, 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1465837
, - (2023),
The International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN): reflections on 20 years of progress
, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 11, 1213363, 10.3389/feart.2023.1213363
, - (2022),
Volcanic air pollution and human health: recent advances and future directions
, Bulletin of Volcanology, 84, 11, 10.1007/s00445-021-01513-9
, - (2022),
Soft tissue-related injuries sustained following volcanic eruptions: An integrative review
, Burns, 48(7), 1727-1742, 10.1016/j.burns.2021.09.008
, - (2021),
Naturally occurring arsenic and boron in geothermal systems and their health effects: A case study from Turkey
, Practical Applications of Medical Geology, 615-635, 10.1007/978-3-030-53893-4_18
, - (2021),
Trace elements in volcanic environments and human health effects
, Trace Elements in the Environment-New Approaches and Recent Advances, Intech, 101-121, 10.5772/intechopen.90786, Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Saldarriaga-Norena, H., Saied, A.
, - (2020),
Fluoride in volcanic areas: a case study in medical geology
, Environmental health management and prevention practices., Intech, 51-63, 10.5772/intechopen.86058, Makan, A.
, - (2020),
A review on the potential sources and health implications of fluoride in groundwater of Sub-Saharan Africa.
, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 55(9), 1078-1093, 10.1080/10934529.2020.1770516
, - (2019),
Volcanic smog and cardiometabolic health: Hawaiian hypertension?
, The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21, 533–535, 10.1111/jch.13500
, - (2019),
Air pollution in Iceland and the effects on human health. Review
, Laeknabladid, 105(10), 443-452, 10.17992/lbl.2019.10.252, Article in Icelandic (English abstract)
, - (2019),
Medical aspects of volcanic eruptions
, Disasters and Mass Casualty Incidents, 63-65, 10.1007/978-3-319-97361-6_5
, - (2018),
Health impact of volcanic emissions.
, Volcanoes: Geological and Geophysical Setting, Theoretical Aspects and Numerical Modeling, Applications to Industry and Their Impact on the Human Health, Intech, 263-284, 10.5772/intechopen.73283, Aiello, G.
, - (2018),
Natural disasters and injuries: what does a surgeon need to know?.
, Current Trauma Reports, 4(2), 103-108, 10.1007/s40719-018-0125-3
, - (2018),
Global epidemiology of podoconiosis: A systematic review
, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12(3), e0006324, 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006324
, - (2018),
Volcanic eruptions and threats to respiratory health
, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 197(12), 21-22, 10.1164/rccm.19712p21
, - (2017),
Volcanic fatalities database: analysis of volcanic threat with distance and victim classification
, Journal of Applied Volcanology, 6, 15, 10.1186/s13617-017-0067-4
, - (2017),
Radon exposure and human health: What happens in volcanic environments?
, Radon, Intech, 79-92, 10.5772/intechopen.71073, Adrovic, F.
, - (2014),
Geological hazards: from early warning systems to public health toolkits
, Health and Place, 30, 116-119, 10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.09.001
, - (2013),
Volcanic ash in the air we breathe
, Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine, 8, 52, 10.1186/2049-6958-8-52
, - (2013),
Preliminary gas hazard evaluation in Greece
, Natural Hazards, 69, 1987-2004, 10.1007/s11069-013-0789-5
, - (2013),
Volcanic emissions and health
, Essentials of Medical Geology, Springer Netherlands, 217-238, 10.1007/978-94-007-4375-5_10
, - (2013),
Volcanic Aash and the respiratory immune system - Possible mechanisms behind reported infections
, Environmental Health Perspectives, 121, 6, a197, 10.1289/ehp.121-a19
, - (2012),
The epidemiology of extreme hiking injuries in volcanic environments
, Epidemiology of Injury in Adventure and Extreme Sports, 58, 130-141, 10.1159/000338721
, - (2012),
Toxicologic Exposures Associated With Natural Disasters: Gases, Kerosene, Ash, and Bites
, Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 13(4), 317-323, 10.1016/j.cpem.2012.09.002
, - (2012),
Overview of naturally occurring Earth materials and human health concerns
, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 59, 108-126, 10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.05.030
, - (2012),
Are volcanic ashes a risk for the respiratory health? A review apropos of volcanic eruption of Cordon Caulle, Chile in June 2011
, Revista chilena de enfermedades respiratorias, 28(4), 294-302, 10.4067/S0717-73482012000400005 , Article in Spanish
, - (2011),
Volcanic and Geothermal Processes: Health effects
, Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 664-671, 10.1016/B978-0-444-52272-6.00157-4
, - (2011),
Respiratory health effects of volcanic ash with special reference to Iceland. A review
, Clinical Respiratory Journal, 5(1), 2-9, 10.1111/j.1752-699X.2010.00231.x
, - (2010),
Iceland eruptions fuel interest in volcanic gas monitoring
, Science, 328, 410-411, 10.1126/science.328.5977.410
, - (2010),
Eyjafjallajokull 2010: Health effects of the volcanic eruption
, Geologiskt Forum, 67(17), 18-19
, - (2010),
Respiratory health effects of volcanic ash with special reference to Iceland. A review
, The Clinical Respiratory Journal, 5, 2-9, 10.1111/j.1752-699X.2010.00231.x
, - (2009),
Geotourism and volcanoes: health hazards facing tourists at volcanic and geothermal destinations
, Travel Med Infect Dis, 7(5), 257-61, 10.1016/j.tmaid.2009.06.002
, - (2009),
Fluoride and environmental health: a review
, Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 8, 59-79, 10.1007/s11157-008-9136-9
, - (2009),
The 'rings of fire' and thyroid cancer
, Hormones-International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 8, 249-253, 10.14310/horm.2002.1242
, - (2009),
Fatal fall into a volcanic fumarole
, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 20(1), 77-79, 10.1580/08-WEME-CR-199.1
, - (2008),
Environmental health impacts of east African Rift volcanism
, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 30, 325-338, 10.1007/s10653-008-9168-7
, - (2007),
Toxic potential of mineral dusts
, Elements, 3(6), 407-414, 10.2113/GSELEMENTS.3.6.407
, - (2007),
Medical papyri describe the effects of the Santorini eruption on human health, and date the eruption to August 1603–March 1601 BC
, Medical Hypotheses, 68(2), 446-449, 10.1016/j.mehy.2006.06.059
, - (2007),
Effects of volcanic eruptions on environment and health
, Arh Hig Rada Toksikol, 58, 479-86, 10.2478/v10004-007-0041-3, Article in Croatian
, - (2006),
The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation
, Bulletin of Volcanology, 69, 1-24, 10.1007/s00445-006-0052-y
, - (2006),
Gas hazard: an often neglected natural risk in volcanic areas
, Geo- Environment and Landscape Evolution II, 89, 369-378, 10.2495/GEO060371
, - (2006),
Six medical papyri describe the effects of Santorini's volcanic ash, and provide Egyptian parallels to the so-called biblical plagues
, Medical Hypotheses, 67(1), 187-190, 10.1016/j.mehy.2006.01.008
, - (2006),
Human fluorosis related to volcanic activity: a review
, Environmental Toxicology, 10, 21-30, 10.2495/ETOX060031
, - (2006),
The health hazards of volcanoes and geothermal areas
, Occupational Environmental Medicine, 63(2), 149-156, 10.1136/oem.2005.022459
, - (2005),
Health effects of natural dust
, Biological Trace Element Research, 103, 1-15, 10.1385/BTER:103:1:001
, - (2005),
New evidence for massive pollution and mortality in Europe in 1783–1784 may have bearing on global change and mass extinctions
, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 337(7), 635-637, 10.1016/j.crte.2005.03.001
, - (2005),
Volcanic disasters and incidents: A new database
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 148(3-4): 191-233, 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.04.017
, - (2005),
Volcano hazard management strategies: Fitting policy to patterned human responses
, Disaster Prevention and Management, 14(2), 183-195, 10.1108/09653560510595182
, - (2004),
Health hazards from volcanic gases: a systematic literature review
, Archives of Environmental Health, 59(12): 628-639, 10.1080/00039890409602947
, - (2003),
The aftermath of a disaster - Recovery following the volcanic eruptions in Montserrat, West Indies
, West Indian Medical Journal, 52, 131-135
, - (2003),
Environmental impacts of tropospheric volcanic gas plumes
, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 213, 381-399, 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.213.01.23
, - (2002),
Lung diseases due to environmental exposures to erionite and asbestos in Turkey
, Toxicology Letters, 127, 251-7, 10.1016/S0378-4274(01)00507-0
, - (2001),
Effects of volcanic air pollution on health
, Lancet, 357(9251), 164-164, 10.1016/S0140-6736(00)03586-8
, - (2001),
Volcano fatalities – lessons from the historical record
, Science, 291(5502), 255, 10.1126/science.291.5502.255
, - (2001),
Communicating with health authorities and the public about asbestos risk in Biancavilla (CT)
, Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, 25(1), 28-30, Article in Italian
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Montserrat - Managing health care in a volcanic crisis
, West Indian Medical Journal, 47(Suppl 4), 20-21
, - (1997),
, Volcanoes, The public health consequences of disasters, Oxford University Press, 179-205, Noji, E.K.
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The Mount Ruapehu eruption, 1996: a review of potential health effects
, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 21(7), 773-778, 10.1111/j.1467-842X.1997.tb01794.x
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Toxicity hazards arising from volcanic activity
, Surveillance, 23(2), 14-16
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In the shadow of El Chichon: an overview of the medical impact of the 28 March to 4 April 1982 eruptions of the Mexican volcano
, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 9(1), 58-66, 10.1017/S1049023X00040863
, - (1990),
Medical effects of volcanic eruptions
, Bulletin of Volcanology, 52, 532-544, 10.1007/BF00301534
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Health hazards of volcanic gases
, Lancet, 336, 176
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Are there biomedical criteria to assess an acute carbon dioxide intoxication by a volcanic emission?
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 39(2-3), 247- 264, 10.1016/0377-0273(89)90063-2
, - (1986),
Volcanic activity: a review for health professionals
, American Journal of Public Health, 76(Suppl), 10-24, 10.2105/AJPH.76.Suppl.10
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Preventive health measures in volcanic eruptions
, American Journal of Public Health, 76(Suppl), 84-90, 10.2105/AJPH.76.Suppl.84
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Introduction to the epidemiological aspects of explosive volcanism
, American Journal of Public Health, 76(Suppl), 3-9, 10.2105/AJPH.76.Suppl.3
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Health effects of volcanoes: an approach to evaluating the health effects of an environmental hazard
, American Journal of Public Health, 76(suppl), 1-2
, - (1984),
Environmental factors in the ethology of endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs in tropical Africa
, Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 36(1), 1-5
, - (1983),
Health hazards of volcanic eruptions
, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 17, 180-182
, - (1983),
Health risks linked with inhalation of volcanic gases and aerosols
, Forecasting Volcanic Events, Elsevier, 69-81
, - (1983),
Biology of disease. Health effects on Mount St. Helens volcanic dust
, Laboratory Investigation, 48(1), 5-12
, - (1982),
Medical aspects of volcanic disasters: an outline of the hazards and emergency response measures
, Disasters, 6(4), 268-276, 10.1111/j.1467-7717.1982.tb00549.x
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Volcanic Gases and Health - Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
, Lancet, 2(8290), 150-151, 10.1016/S0140-6736(82)91109-6
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Reviews/ Overviews
- (2024),
Effects of volcanic eruptions on the mental health of exposed populations: a systematic review
, Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1475459
, - (2006),
Adverse health effects of fluoro-edenitic fibers - Epidemiological evidence and public health priorities
, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1076(1), 778-783, 10.1196/annals.1371.020
, - (2002),
Human health and vulnerability in the Nyiragongo volcano crisis Democratic Republic of Congo 2002
, Final Report to the World Health Organisation, N/A
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Evaluation of physical health effects due to volcanic hazards: human studies
, American Journal of Public Health, 76(Suppl), 66-75, 10.2105/AJPH.76.Suppl.66
, - (1982),
Are volcanoes hazardous to your health? What have we learned from Mount St Helens?
, Western Journal of Medicine, 137(4), 294
Reviews/ Overviews
- (2020),
Haze, Hunger, Hesitation: Disaster aid after the 1783 Laki eruption
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 406, 107080, 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107080
, - (2020),
Health impacts of volcanic activity in Oceania.
, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 35(5), 574-578, 10.1017/S1049023X2000093X
, - (2020),
Increased thyroid cancer incidence in volcanic areas: a role of increased heavy metals in the environment?
, International journal of molecular, 21(10), 3425, 10.3390/ijms21103425
, - (2017),
Heavy metals in the volcanic environment and thyroid cancer
, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 457, 73-80, 10.1016/j.mce.2016.10.027
, - (2013),
The human impact of volcanoes: a historical review of events 1900-2009 and systematic literature review
, PLOS Currents Disasters, 1, 10.1371/currents.dis.841859091a706efebf8a30f4ed7a1901
, - (2010),
Volcanic hazards of the Colli Albani
, The Colli Albani Volcano, Special Publications of IAVCEI, 3, Geological Society, London, 279–297, 10.1144/IAVCEl003.16, Funiciello, R., Giordano, G., ISBN-13: 978-1862393073
, - (2010),
Volcanic ash should not be presumed harmless in long term
, Nature, 465(7295), 157, 10.1038/465157b, Non-peer reviewed
, - (2010),
Vulnerability of farm water supply systems to volcanic ash fall
, Environmental Earth Sciences, 61(4), 675-688, 10.1007/s12665-009-0380-2
, - (2009),
Death by Volcanic Laze
, Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 20(1), 101-103, 10.1580/08-WEME-LE-236.1
, - (2006),
Indoor air pollution caused by geothermal gases
, Building and Environment, 41(11), 1607-1610, 10.1016/j.buildenv.2005.06.001
, - (2003),
Illness and elevated human mortality in Europe coincident with the Laki Fissure eruption
, Volcanic Degassing, Geological Society of London, 213, 401-414, 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.213.01.24, Oppenheimer, C., Pyle, D. M., Barclay, J.
, - (2000),
Fluoride: A review of its fate, bioavailability, and risks of fluorosis in grazed-pasture systems in New Zealand
, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43, 295-321, 10.1080/00288233.2000.9513430
, - (1998),
The distal impact of Icelandic volcanic gases and aerosols in Europe: a review of the 1783 Laki Fissure eruption and environmental vulnerability in the late 20th century
, Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications,, 15, 97-103, 10.1144/GSL.ENG.1998.015.01.10
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The effects of volcanoes on health: preparedness in Mexico
, World Health Statistics Quarterly, 49(3-4), 204-8
, - (1981),
Risk assessment in volcanic ash exposure
, Chest, 80(Suppl. 1), 87S-88S, 10.1378/chest.80.1_Supplement.87S
Modelling, Reviews/ Overviews
- (2010),
Vulnerability of farm water supply systems to volcanic ash fall
, Environmental Earth Sciences, 61, 675-688, 10.1007/s12665-009-0380-2
Reviews/ Overviews, Social research
- (2010),
The Laki fog of 1783. Volcanic activity and health crises in Europe
, Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecine, 195(4-5), 1043-53, 10.1016/s0001-4079(19)32018-7, Article in French
Modelling, Reviews/ Overviews
- (2006),
Contamination of water supplies by volcanic ashfall: A literature review and simple impact modelling
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 158(3-4), 296-306, 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2006.07.002
Leaching, Physicochemical or geochemical, Reviews/ Overviews
- (2005),
Volcanic ash leachates: a review and recommendations for sampling methods
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 141, 299- 326, 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2004.11.010
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical, Reviews/ Overviews
- (1986),
The development of a multidisciplinary plan for evaluation of the long-term health effects of the Mount St. Helens eruptions
, American Journal of Public Health, 76(Suppl), 39-44, 10.2105/AJPH.76.Suppl.39
, - (1982),
Health implications of the Mount St. Helens eruption: epidemiological considerations
, Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 26, 911-919, 10.1093/annhyg/26.8.911
, - (1981),
Mount St Helens eruptions, May 18 to June 12, 1980. An overview of the acute health impact
, JAMA, 246, 2585-9, 10.1001/jama.1981.03320220035021
Reviews/ Overviews, Toxicological
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Pulmonary toxicity of Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash: a review of experimental studies
, American Review of Respiratory Disease, 128, 158-162, 10.1164/arrd.1983.128.1.158