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Experimental design and multiple response optimization of batch leaching tests of volcanic ashes
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Fate and agricultural consequences of leachable elements added to the environment from the 2011 Cordón Caulle tephra fall.
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 327, 554-70, 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.09.017
Leaching, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Fluorine surface speciation in South Andean volcanic ashes
, Chemical Geology, 532, 119402, 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119402
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Effects of dietary intake of volcanic ash from Puyehue Cordon Caulle onTenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) larvae under laboratory conditions
, Florida Entomologist, 101(1), 97-101, 10.1653/024.101.0117
Physicochemical or geochemical
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Nanoparticles of volcanic ash as a carrier for toxic elements on the global scale
, Chemosphere, 200, 16-22, 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.02.089
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Volcanic ash from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex and Calbuco promote a differential response of pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress mediators on human conjunctival epithelial cells
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Physicochemical or geochemical
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Study on the elemental composition of environmental nanoparticles separated in a rotating coiled column: How hazardous may be urban dust and volcanic ash
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Characterisation of tephras dispersed by the recent eruptions of volcanoes Calbuco (1061), Chaitén (2008) and Cordón Caulle Complex (1960 and 2011), in Northern Patagonia
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Effects of fluoride intoxication on teeth of livestock due to a recent volcanic eruption in Patagonia, Argentina
, Online Journal of Vetinary Research, 17(4), 167-176
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance
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Exposures to particulate matter from the eruptions of the Puyehue volcano and birth outcomes in Montevideo, Uruguay
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Severe dental fluorosis in juvenile deer linked to a recent volcanic eruption in Patagonia
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Leaching, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Continuing impacts on red deer from a volcanic eruption in 2011
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical
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Temporal kinetics of fluoride accumulation: from fetal to adult deer
, European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59(6), 899-903, 10.1007/s10344-013-0734-7
Reviews/ Overviews
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Are volcanic ashes a risk for the respiratory health? A review apropos of volcanic eruption of Cordon Caulle, Chile in June 2011
, Revista chilena de enfermedades respiratorias, 28(4), 294-302, 10.4067/S0717-73482012000400005 , Article in Spanish