Social research
- (2021),
Carers' perceptions of harm and the protective measures taken to safeguard children's health against inhalation of volcanic ash: A comparative study across Indonesia, Japan and Mexico
, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 59, 102194, 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102194
, - (2020),
Community perceptions of protective practices to prevent ash exposures around Sakurajima volcano, Japan
, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 46, 101525, 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101525
, - (2019),
Factors motivating the use of respiratory protection against volcanic ashfall a comparative analysis of communities in Japan, Indonesia and Mexico
, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 35, 101066, 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101066
Physicochemical or geochemical, Toxicological
- (2021),
Assessing the biological reactivity of organic compounds on volcanic ash: implications for human health hazard
, Bulletin of Volcanology, 83(5), 1-11, 10.1007/s00445-021-01453-4
, - (2012),
Sakurajima volcano: a physico-chemical study of the health consequences of long-term exposure to volcanic ash
, Bulletin of Volcanology, 74, 913–930, 10.1007/s00445-012-0575-3
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance
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Patients hit by rocks during the Mt. Ontake volcanic eruption in Japan: An experience of trauma cases
, Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports, 2(1), 2
, - (2017),
Influence of sulfur dioxide on the respiratory system of Miyakejima adult residents 6 years after returning to the island.
, Journal of Occupational Health, 59(4), 313-326, 10.1539/joh.16-0256-OA
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An experience of trauma cases: patients hit by rocks during the Mt Ontake volcanic eruption in Japan
, Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, 27(12), 770-775, 10.1002/jja2.12127
, - (2015),
Effects of sulfur dioxide on the respiratory system of Miyakejima child residents 6 years after returning to the island
, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health , 88(8), 1111-1118, 10.1007/s00420-015-1037-y
, - (2012),
Increased mortality of respiratory diseases, including lung cancer, in the area with large amount of ashfall from Mount Sakurajima volcano
, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Article ID 257831, 10.1155/2012/257831
, - (2010),
Mental health during recurring disaster: The case of Tsubota District residents recovering from a volcanic eruption
, Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 50(1), 60-75
, - (2010),
Nine-month observation of effects of SO2 on the respiratory system in child Miyakejima citizens
, Nippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi, 57(1), 39-43
, - (2008),
Volcanic sulfur dioxide and acute respiratory symptoms on Miyakejima island
, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 65(10), 701-707, 10.1136/oem.2007.033456
, - (2007),
Acute impact of volcanic ash on asthma symptoms and treatment
, International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 20(Suppl 2), 9-14, 10.1177/03946320070200S203
, - (2006),
A case of volcanic ash lung: report of a case
, Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi, 44(3), 192-6, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
, - (2006),
The Miyake Island volcano disaster in Japan: Loss, uncertainty, and relocation as predictors of PTSD and depression
, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(8), 2001-2026, 10.1111/j.0021-9029.2006.00091.x
, - (2005),
Effects of volcanic sulfur dioxide on reconstruction workers and residents returning to Miyake Island
, Sangyo Eiseigaku Zasshi, 47(4), 142-8, 10.1539/sangyoeisei.47.142, Article in Japanese
, - (2005),
Effects of volcanic ash on ocular symptoms - Results of a 10-year survey on schoolchildren
, Ophthalmology, 112(3), 478-481, 0.1016/j.ophtha.2004.09.031
, - (2003),
Psychological distress among evacuees of a volcanic eruption in Japan: A follow-up study
, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 57(1), 105-111, 10.1046/j.1440-1819.2003.01086.x
, - (2002),
The effects of volcanic disaster on the prevalence and severity of bronchial asthma
, Acta medica Nagasakiensia, 47(1-2), 31-36
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PTSD, depression and help-seeking patterns following the Miyake Island volcanic eruption
, International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 4(3), 157-172
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Asthma-like disease in the children living in the neighborhood of Mt. Sakurajima
, Journal of Epidemiology, 9(1), 27-31, 10.2188/jea.9.27
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A case study of volcano eruption health and emergency medical response to Unzen-Fugendake eruption
, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Government of Japan. Mar. 1996, Tokyo, JP, 109-117
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Health effects of volcanic ash - a repeat study
, Archives of Environmental Health, 45(6), 367-373, 10.1080/00039896.1990.10118757
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Pulmonary function of loggers exposed to the volcanic ash from Mt. Sakurajima
, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 34, 251-254, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
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Seasonal variations in the responses to a respiratory symptom questionnaire: a study in an area exposed to volcanic ash
, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 34, 453-458, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
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Chronic pulmonary effects of volcanic ash: An epidemiologic study
, Archives of Environmental Health, 41(2), 94-99, 10.1080/00039896.1986.9937416
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Health Effects of volcanic activities of Mt, Sakurajima in the mortality statistics
, Journal of the Japanese Society of Air Pollution, 20(2), 120-127, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
, - (1984),
Health effects of volcanic ashes from Mt. Sakurajima on the school children
, Igaku Kenkyu, 54(3), 235-78, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
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Effects of the volcanic activities of Mt. Sakurajima on mortality figures
, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 31(10), 548-556, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
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Research report on the human effect of volcanic exhaust (Sakurajima), 1980–1981 report
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Health effects of volcanic ashes of Mt. Sakurajima
, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 25(9), 455-461, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance
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Effects of the Miyakejima Volcano eruption on public health
, International Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, 4(2), e1510040-e1510040, 10.23937/2474-3674/1510040
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Relationship between ambient sulfur dioxide levels and neonatal mortality near the Mt. Sakurajima volcano in Japan
, Journal of Epidemiology, 9(5), 344-349, 10.2188/jea.9.344
, - (1989),
Health effects of volcanic air pollution--an analysis of the national health insurance
, Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi, 44(5), 977-86, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
, - (1988),
Effects of volcanic activity on the mortality figures for respiratory diseases
, Japanese Journal of Hygiene, 42(6), 1101-1110, 10.1265/jjh.42.1101 , Article in Japanese
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Week-to-week variations in mortality in areas exposed to volcanic air pollution
, Journal of the Japanese Society of Air Pollution, 21(4), 322-329, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
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Effect of volcanic activities of Mt. Sakurajima on mortality due to respiratory diseases
, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 30(3), 109-116, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
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Health effects of volcanic activities of Mt. Sakurajima on school children
, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 30(3), 101-108, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
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The in vitro respiratory toxicity of cristobalite-bearing volcanic ash
, Environmental Research, 145: 74-84, 10.1016/j.envres.2015.11.020
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing
- (2009),
Effects of SO2 on Respiratory System of Adult Miyakejima Resident 2 Years after Returning to the Island
, Journal of Occupational Health, 51(1), 38-47, 10.1539/joh.L8075
Reviews/ Overviews
- (2006),
The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation
, Bulletin of Volcanology, 69, 1-24, 10.1007/s00445-006-0052-y
Physicochemical or geochemical
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Arsenic-bearing smectite from the geothermal environment
, Mineralogical Magazine, 69, 897-906, 10.1180/0026461056950297
, - (1985),
In vitro biological effects of volcanic ash from Mount Sakurajima
, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 16(1), 127-35., 10.1080/15287398509530724
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c-jun mRNA expression and profilin mRNA amplification in rat alveolar macrophages exposed to volcanic ash and sulfur dioxide
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Is there any effect of volcanic eruptions of Mount Sakurajima on canine lungs exposed naturally? – Morphometric analysis of intrapulmonary particulate deposit amount and histopathological investigations
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, - (1984),
Experimental studies on the effects of Mt. Sakurajima volcanic ashes on the respiratory organs
, Japanese Journal of Industrial Health, 26(2), 130- 146, Article in Japanese (English abstract)
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Social research
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Mental health activities for evacuees of the volcanic eruption of Mt. Unzen-Fugen – crisis intervention of a psychiatrist
, Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi, 97(6), 430-44, Article in Japanese
Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing
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The distribution of atmospheric sulfur dioxide concentrations in the residential areas surrounding Mount Sakurajima, Japan
, Medical Journal of Kagoshima University, 39(3), 163-172, Probably in Japanese. No URL found.