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IVHHN Library Database

Welcome to the IVHHN library! This database contains all known academic papers in relation to volcanoes and human/animal health. If you have a peer-reviewed academic paper that you'd like us to add, please contact us.

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Title Publication Year Category Study Method Authors
Respiratory and physical health consequences in older adults in a high-risk volcanic area: Comparison of two rural villages PLOS ONE 2024 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Benavides-Cordoba, V., Suarez, A., Guerrero-Jaramillo, D., Silva-Medina, M., Betancourt-Peña, J., Palacios-Gómez, M
A geochemical investigation of fragmentation and physical fractionation in pyroclastic flows from the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat Journal of Volcanological Geothermal Research 2001 Crystalline silica Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Braña, L. P., Sparks, R. S. J., Murphy, M. D., Hards, V. L.
Escolà-Gascón Á, Dagnall N, Denovan A, Diez-Bosch M, Micó-Sanz JL. Social impact of environmental disasters: evidence from Canary Islands volcanic eruption International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2023 Evacuation, displacement, place attachment, Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Escolà-Gascón, Á., Dagnall, N., Denovan, A., Diez-Bosch, M., Micó-Sanz, J. L.
Long term exposure to respirable volcanic ash on Montserrat: a time series simulation Bulletin of Volcanology 2006 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Risk assessment Modelling Hincks, T. K., Aspinall, W. P., Baxter, P. J., Searl, A., Sparks, R. S. J., Woo, G.
Nine-month observation of effects of SO2 on the respiratory system in child Miyakejima citizens Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi 2010 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Iwasawa, S., Michikawa, T., Nakano, M., Nishiwaki, Y., Tsuboi, T., Tanaka, S., Uemura, T., Milojevic, A., Nakashima, H., Takebayashi, T., Morikawa, A., Maruyama, K., Kudo, S., Uchiyama, I., Omae, K.
Pyroclastic flow injury: Mount St. Helens, May 18, 1980. The American Journal of Surgery 1982 Injuries and Fatalities, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Parshley, P., Kiessling, P. J., Antonius, J. A., Connell, R. S., Miller, S. H., Green, F. H. Y.
Trace elements in scalp hair of children chronically exposed to volcanic activity (Mt. Etna, Italy) Science of the Total Environment 2014 Air quality, Dermal, dental and ocular impacts Physicochemical or geochemical Varrica, D., Tamburo, E., Dongarrà, G., Sposito, F.
A case of volcanic ash lung: report of a case Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi 2006 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Shojima, J., Ikushima, S., Ando, T., Mochida, A., Yanagawa, T., Takemura, T., Oritsu, M.
A case study of volcano eruption health and emergency medical response to Unzen-Fugendake eruption Ministry of Health and Welfare, Government of Japan. Mar. 1996, Tokyo, JP 1996 Emergency planning and response, Injuries and Fatalities Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baba, H., Teramoto, S.
A four-year prospective study of the respiratory effects of volcanic ash from Mt. St. Helens American Review of Respiratory Disease 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Buist, A. S., Vollmer, W. M., Johnson, L. R., Bernstein, R. S., McCamant, L. E.
A longitudinal and multidesign epidemiological study to analyze the effect of the volcanic eruption of Tajogaite volcano. The ASHES study protocol Environmental Research 2023 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Ruano-Ravina, A., Orlando, A., Díaz Pérez, D., Casanova, C., Velasco, V., Peces-Barba, G., Barreiro, E., Cañas, A., Castaño, A., Cruz Carmona, M. J., Diego, C., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Martínez, C., Molina-Molina, M., Muñoz, X., Sánchez-Íñigo, F. J., Candal- Pedreira, C.
A physico-chemical assessment of the health hazard of Mt. Vesuvius volcanic ash Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2010 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Stannett, G. W., Andronico, D., Bertagnini, A., Fenoglio, I., Fubini, B., Le Blond, J. S., Williamson, B. J.
A rapid method for quantifying single mineral phases in heterogeneous natural dust using X-ray diffraction Powder Diffraction 2009 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Le Blond, J. S., Cressey, G., Horwell, C. J., Williamson, B. J.
A retrospective study on acute health effects due to volcanic ash exposure during the eruption of Mount Etna (Sicily) in 2002 Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2013 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Lombardo, D., Ciancio, N., Campisi, R., Di Maria, A., Bivona, L., Poletti, V., Mistretta, A., Biggeri, A., Di Maria, G.
A review on the potential sources and health implications of fluoride in groundwater of Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 2020 Water quality and/or fluoride Reviews/ Overviews Onipe, T., Edokpayi, J. N., Odiyo, J. O.
A seven months prospective study of the respiratory effects of exposure to ash from Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2001 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Rojas-Ramos, M., Catalan-Vazquez, M., Martin-Del Pozzo, A. L., Garcia-Ojeda, E., Villalba-Caloca, J., Perez-Neria, J.
A statistical analysis of the global historical volcanic fatalities record Journal of Applied Volcanology 2013 Injuries and Fatalities Modelling Auker, M. R., Sparks, R. S. J., Siebert, L., Crosweller, H. S., Ewert, J.
A survey of early health effects of the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption in Iceland: a population-based study BMJ Open 2012 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Carlsen, H. K., Gislason, T., Benediktsdottir, B., Kolbeinsson, T. B., Hauksdottir, A., Thorsteinsson, T., Briem, H.
Acid gas hazards in the crater of Villarrica volcano (Chile) Revista Geologica De Chile 2004 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Witter, J. B., Delmelle, P.
Acute bronchitis and volcanic air pollution: A community-based cohort study at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, USA Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2008 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Longo, B. M., Yang, W.
Acute effects of volcanic ash from Mount Saint Helens on lung function in children American Review of Respiratory Disease 1983 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Buist, A. S., Johnson, L. R., Vollmer, W. M., Sexton, G. J., Kanarek, P. H.
Acute Health Effects Associated with Exposure to Volcanic Air Pollution (vog) from Increased Activity at Kilauea Volcano in 2008 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2010 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Longo, B. M., Yang, W., Green, J. B., Crosby, F. L., Crosby, V. L.
Acute health effects of the Mount Ruapehu (New Zealand) volcanic eruption of June 1996 International Journal of Environmental Health Research 1999 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Hickling, J., Clements, M., Weinstein, P., Woodward, A.
Acute health impact of the gas release at Lake Nyos, Cameroon, 1986 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1989 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Kapila, M.
Acute impact of volcanic ash on asthma symptoms and treatment International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 2007 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Shimizu, Y., Dobashi, K., Hisada, T., Ono, A., Todokoro, M., Iijima, H., Utsugi, M., Kakegawa, S., Iizuka, K., Ishizuka, T., Morikawa, A., Mori, M.
Adverse health effects associated with increased activity at Kīlauea volcano: A repeated population-based survey International Scholarly Research Notices 2013 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Longo, B. M.
Adverse health effects of fluoro-edenitic fibers - Epidemiological evidence and public health priorities Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2006 Soils and fibrous minerals Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bruno, C., Comba, P., Zona, A.
Aerobiological monitoring applications in the Etnean volcanic plume evaluation (Mt. Etna, Sicily) and correlation with allergopathies Aerobiologia 2006 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Diana, B., Finocchiaro, A. M., La Delfa, S., Patane, G., Presti, F., Timpanaro, M., Tringali, G.
After Mount St. Helens: Disaster stress research Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services 1984 Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Murphy, S. A.
Air pollution and mortality in the Rotorua geothermal area Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1997 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Garrett, N., Graham, B., Read, D.
Air pollution by hydrothermal volcanism and human pulmonary function BioMed Research International 2015 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Linhares, D., Garcia, P. V., Viveiros, F., Ferreira, T., dos Santos Rodrigues, A.
Air pollution disasters: liability issues in negligence associated with the provision of personal protective interventions (facemasks) Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2021 Legal and ethical issues Social research McDonald, F., Horwell, C. J.
Air pollution in Iceland and the effects on human health. Review Laeknabladid 2019 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Gudmundsson, G., Finnbjornsdottir, R. G., Jóhannsson, T., Rafnsson, V.
Alert system to mitigate tephra fallout hazards at Mt. Etna Volcano, Italy Natural Hazards 2007 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Alparone, S., Andronico, D., Sgroi, T., Ferrari, F., Lodato, L., Reitano, D.
Ambient geothermal hydrogen sulfide exposure and peripheral neuropathy Neurotoxicology 2017 Air quality, Geothermal gases & water, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Pope, K., So, Y. T., Crane, J., Bates, M. N.
An amazing and portentous summer: environmental and social responses in Britain to the 1783 eruption of an Iceland Volcano The Geograhical Journal 1996 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Social research Grattan, J., Brayshay, M. B.
An analysis of volcanic SO2 and ash emissions from Copahue volcano Journal of South American Earth Sciences 2021 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Paez, P. A., Cogliati, M. G., Caselli, A. T., Monasterio, A. M.
An example of health hazard: people killed by gas during a phreatic eruption: Dieng Plateau (Java, Indonesia), February 20th 1979 Bulletin Volcanologique 1982 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Le Guern, F., Tazieff, H., Pierret, R. F.
An experience of trauma cases: patients hit by rocks during the Mt Ontake volcanic eruption in Japan Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2016 Injuries and Fatalities Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Shiroko, T.
An Indoor Air Quality Assessment for Vulnerable Populations Exposed to Volcanic Vog From Kilauea Volcano Family & Community Health 2010 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Longo, B. M., Yang, W., Green, J. B., Longo, A. A., Harris, M., Bibilone, R.
An investigation into long-distance health impacts of the 1996 eruption of Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand Atmospheric Environment 2010 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Newnham, R. M., Dirks, K. N., Samaranayake, D.
An outbreak of waterborne giardiasis associated with heavy water runoff due to warm weather and volcanic ashfall American Journal of Public Health 1983 Water quality and/or fluoride Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Weniger, B. G., Blaser, M. J., Gedrose, J., Lippy, E. C., Juranek, D. D.
An overview of acute respiratory infection cases before and after exposure to volcanic ash Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi 2019 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tyas, N. M. W., Indawati, R.
Anaplastic thyroid cancer in Sicily: The role of environmental characteristics Frontiers in Endocrinology 2017 Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tavarelli, M., Malandrino, P., Vigneri, P., Richiusa, P., Maniglia, A., Violi, M. A., Sapuppo, G., Vella, V., Dardanoni, G., Vigneri, R., Pellegriti, G.
Ancient and recent evidence of endemic fluorosis in the Naples area Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2013 Water quality and/or fluoride Archaeology (skeletal/dental analysis) Petrone, P., Guarino, F. M., Giustino, S., Gombos, F.
Anomalous concentrations of arsenic, fluoride and radon in volcanic-sedimentary aquifers from central Italy: Quality indexes for management of the water resource Environmental Pollution 2019 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Cinti, D., Vaselli, O., Poncia, P. P., Brusca, L., Grassa, F., Procesi, M., Tassi, F.
Apoptotic and inflammatory effects induced by different particles in human alveolar macrophages Inhalation Toxicology 2004 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Huang, Y. C., Li, Z., Harder, S. D., Soukup, J. M.
Are there biomedical criteria to assess an acute carbon dioxide intoxication by a volcanic emission? Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1989 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Stupfel, M., Le Guern, F.
Are volcanic ashes a risk for the respiratory health? A review apropos of volcanic eruption of Cordon Caulle, Chile in June 2011 Revista chilena de enfermedades respiratorias 2012 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Grob, E., Oyarzún, M., Cavieres, I., Zarges, P., Bustamante, G.
Are volcanoes hazardous to your health? What have we learned from Mount St Helens? Western Journal of Medicine 1982 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Buist, A. S.
Arsenic concentration in water and bovine milk in Cordoba, Argentina. Preliminary results Journal of Dairy Research 2005 Animal health, Soils and fibrous minerals, Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Perez-Carrera, A., Fernandez-Cirelli, A.
Arsenic content in drinking-water supplies of an important volcanic aquifer in central Italy Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 2010 Geothermal gases & water Physicochemical or geochemical Achene, L., Ferretti, E., Lucentini, L., Pettine, P., Veschetti, E., Ottaviani, M.
Arsenic hyperaccumulation by aquatic macrophytes in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand Environmental and Experimental Botany 2006 Geothermal gases & water Physicochemical or geochemical Robinson, B., Kim, N., Marchetti, M., Moni, C., Schroeter, L., Van Den Dijssel, C., Milne, G., Clothier, B.
Arsenic in geoenvironments of Nicaragua: Exposure, health effects, mitigation and future needs Science of the Total Environment 2020 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Delgado Quezada, V., Altamirano Espinoza, M., Bundschuh, J.
Arsenic speciation and trace element analysis of the volcanic río Agrio and the geothermal waters of Copahue, Argentina Science of the Total Environment 2012 Geothermal gases & water Physicochemical or geochemical Farnfield, H. R., Marcilla, A. L., Ward, N. I.
Arsenic-bearing smectite from the geothermal environment Mineralogical Magazine 2005 Geothermal gases & water, Soils and fibrous minerals Physicochemical or geochemical Pacua, C., Charnock, J., Polya, D. A., Sato, T., Yokoyama, S., Minato, M.
Ash emission from a long-lived eruption at Popocatépetl volcano and mapped respiratory effects Bulletin of Volcanology 2021 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Nieto-Torres, A., Martin-Del Pozzo, A. L.
Assessing in near real time the impact of the April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull ash plume on air quality Atmospheric Environment 2010 Air quality Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Collette, A., Favez, O., Meleux, F., Chiappini, L., Haeffelin, M., Morille, Y., Malherbe, L., Papin, A., Bessagnet, B., Menut, L., Leoz, E., Rouïlle, L.
Assessing the biological reactivity of organic compounds on volcanic ash: implications for human health hazard Bulletin of Volcanology 2021 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Exposure and urban pollutants Physicochemical or geochemical Tomašek, I., Damby, D. E., Andronico, D., Baxter, P. J., Boonen, I., Claeys, P., Denison, M. S., Horwell, C. J., Kervyn, M., Kueppers, U., Romanias, M. N., Elskens, M.
Assessing the hidden dangers of volcanic CO2 exposure: a critical review of health impacts Frontiers in Public Health 2024 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Reviews/ Overviews Boada, L. D., Simbaña-Rivera, K., Rodriquez-Pérez, C., Fuentes-Ferrer, M., Henríquez-Hernández, L. A., López-Villarrubia, E., Alvarez-León, E. E.
Assessment of leachable elements in volcanic ashfall: a review and evaluation of a standardized protocol for ash hazard characterization Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2020 Animal health, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references, Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Stewart, C., Damby, D. E., Tomašek, I., Horwell, C. J., Plumlee, G. S., Armienta, M. A., Hinojosa, M. G. R., Appleby, M., Delmelle, P., Cronin, S., Ottley, C. J., Oppenheimer, C., Morman, S.
Assessment of the exposure of islanders to ash from the Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat, British West Indies Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Searl, A., Nicholl, A., Baxter, P. J.
Assessment of the potential for in-plume sulphur dioxide gas-ash interactions to influence the respiratory toxicity of volcanic ash Environmental Research 2019 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Leaching Tomašek, I., Damby, D. E., Horwell, C. J., Ayris, P. M., Delmelle, P., Ottley, C. J., Cubillas, P., Casas, A. S., Bisig, C., Petri-Fink, A.
Assessment of the potential respiratory hazard of volcanic ash from future Icelandic eruptions: a study of archived basaltic to rhyolitic ash samples Environmental Health 2017 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Damby, D. E., Horwell, C. J., Larsen, G., Thordarson, T., Tomatis, M., Fubini, B., Donaldson, K.
Associations between respiratory illness and PM10 air pollution Archives of Environmental Health 1997 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Exposure and urban pollutants Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Choudhury, A. H., Gordian, M. E., Morris, S. S.
Associations of ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure with self-reported asthma and asthma symptoms Environmental Research 2013 Air quality, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Garrett, N., Crane, J., Balmes, J. R.
Asthma-like disease in the children living in the neighborhood of Mt. Sakurajima Journal of Epidemiology 1999 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Uda, H., Akiba, S., Hatano, H. , Shinkura, R.
Asthmatic bronchitis associated with a volcanic eruption in St. Vincent, West Indies Disasters 1981 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Leus, X., West, C. M.
Atmospheric dispersion, environmental effects and potential health hazard associated with the low-altitude gas plume of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua Bulletin of Volcanology 2002 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Delmelle, P., Stix, J., Baxter, P. J., Garcia-Alvarez, J., Barquero, J.
Atmospheric sulfur dioxide measurements during the 2005 and 2007 eruptions of the Piton de La Fournaise volcano: Implications for human health and environmental changes Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2009 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Bhugwant, C., Sieja, B., Bessafi, M., Staudacher, T., Ecormier, J.
Background and baseline concentration values of elements harmful to human health in the volcanic soils of the metropolitan and provincial areas of Napoli (Italy) Geochemistry-Exploration Environment Analysis 2005 Geothermal gases & water, Soils and fibrous minerals Leaching Cicchella, D., De Vivo, B., Lima, A.
Behaviourally-based interventions for children following volcanic eruptions: an evaluation of effectiveness Disaster Prevention and Management 1999 Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Ronan, K. R., Johnston, D. M.
Bioaccessible arsenic in soil of thermal areas of Viterbo, Central Italy: implications for human health risk Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2021 Geothermal gases & water, Soils and fibrous minerals Physicochemical or geochemical Rimondi, V., Costagliola, P., Lattanzi, P., Catelani, T., Fornasaro, S., Medas, D., Morelli, G., Paolieri, M.
Biological impact of exposure to extremely fine-grained volcanic ash Journal of Nanotechnology 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Aguilera, C., Viteri, M., Seqqat, R., Ayala Navarrette, L., Toulkeridis, T., Ruano, A., Torres Arias, M.
Biology of disease. Health effects on Mount St. Helens volcanic dust Laboratory Investigation 1983 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Craighead, J. E., Adler, K. B., Butler, G. B., Emerson, R. J., Mossman, B. T., Woodworth, C. D.
Biomonitoring of volcanogenic fluoride, Furnas Caldera, Sao Miguel, Azores Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1999 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Notcutt, G., Davies, F.
Bubbles and dust: Experimental results of dissolution rates of metal salts and glasses from volcanic ash deposits in terms of surface area, chemistry, and human health impacts GeoHealth 2019 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Leaching Wygel, C. M., Peters, S. C., McDermott, J. M., Sahagian, D. L.
Burden of podoconiosis in poor rural communities in Guliso woreda, West Ethiopia PLOS 2011 Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Alemu, G., Tekola Ayele, F., Daniel, T., Ahrens, C., Davey, G.
Burn wound and traumatic inhalation due to Marapi volcano eruption Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 2024 Injuries and Fatalities Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Saputra, D., Gusman, A., Purnama Sari, M.
c-jun mRNA expression and profilin mRNA amplification in rat alveolar macrophages exposed to volcanic ash and sulfur dioxide Industrial Health 2003 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Samukawa, T., Arasidani, K., Hori, H., Hirano, H., Arima, T.
Can metals and radionuclides in Shiveluch (Kamchatka) volcanic ash affect human health? Journal of Environmental Management 2024 Air quality, Non-respiratory diseases, Radiological impacts Leaching Zinicovscaia, I., Chernyagina, O., Chaligava, O., Grozdov, D., Fedorenko, M., Kapralov, M.
Can volcanic ash poison water supplies? Integrated environmental assessment and management 2009 Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Stewart, C., Pizzolon, L., Wilson, T., Leonard, G. S., Dewar, D., Johnston, D., Cronin, S.
Cancer incidence, morbidity and geothermal air pollution in Rotorua, New Zealand International Journal of Epidemiology 1998 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Garrett, N., Graham, B., Read, D.
Carbon dioxide and radon gas hazard in the Alban Hills area (central Italy) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2003 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water, Radiological impacts Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Beaubien, S. E., Ciotoli, G., Lombardi, S.
Cardiorespiratory health effects associated with acute exposure to hydrothermal gas emissions from Furnas Volcano Açoreana 2018 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tavares, W. R., Garcia, P., do Carmo Barreto, M., Seca, A. M., Rodrigues, A.
Cardiorespiratory health effects associated with sulfurous volcanic air pollution Public Health 2008 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Longo, B. M., Rossignol, A., Green, J. B.
Carers' perceptions of harm and the protective measures taken to safeguard children's health against inhalation of volcanic ash: A comparative study across Indonesia, Japan and Mexico International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2021 Respiratory protection Social research Covey, J., Dominelli, L., Horwell, C. J., Rachmawati, L., Martin-Del Pozzo, A. L., Armienta, M. A., Nugroho, F., Ogawa, R.
Changes in humoral immunologic parameters after exposure to volcanic ash Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 1983 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Olenchock, S. A., Mull, J. C., Mentnech, M. S., Lewis, D. M., Bernstein, R. S.
Characterisation of tephras dispersed by the recent eruptions of volcanoes Calbuco (1061), Chaitén (2008) and Cordón Caulle Complex (1960 and 2011), in Northern Patagonia Journal of South American Earth Sciences 2014 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Daga, R., Guevara, S. R., Poire, D. G., Arribére, M.
Characterization of air contaminants formed by the interaction of lava and sea water Environmental Health Perspectives 1994 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Kullman, G. J., Jones, W. G., Cornwell, R. J., Parker, J. E.
Characterization of Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ash particles and a protocol for rapid risk assessment Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Gislason, S. R., Hassenkam, T., Nedel, S., Bovet, N., Eiriksdottir, E. S., Alfredsson, H. A., Hem, C. P., Balogh, Z. I., Dideriksen, K., Oskarsson, N., Sigfusson, B., Larsen, G., Stipp, S. L. S.
Chemical and morphological characterisation of volcanic aerosols and nanoparticles from Mt Etna Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 2008 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Martin, R. S., Mather, T. A., Pyle, D. M., Power, M., Allen, A. G., Aiuppa, A., Horwell, C. J., Ward, E. P. W.
Chemical characterization of vines grown in incipient volcanic soils of Fogo Island (Cape Verde) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2019 Soils and fibrous minerals Physicochemical or geochemical Marques, R., Prudêncio, M. I., Abreu, M. M., Russo, D., Marques, J. G., Rocha, F.
Chemical composition of precipitation at Mt. Vesuvius and Vulcano Island, Italy: volcanological and environmental implications Environmental Earth Sciences 2010 Geothermal gases & water Physicochemical or geochemical Madonia, P., Liotta, M.
Chemical variations of tephra-fall deposit leachates for three eruptions from Popocatepetl volcano Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2002 Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Armienta, M. A., De la Cruz-Reyna, S., Morton, O., Cruz, O., Ceniceros, N.
Childhood asthma hospitalization rates in Spokane County, Washington Journal of Asthma 1985 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Kraemer, M. J., McCarthy, M. M.
Children’s health characteristics under different evacuation strategies: the eruption of Mount Tungurahua, Ecuador Applied Geography Conference 2001 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Evacuation, displacement, place attachment Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tobin, G. A., Whiteford, L. M.
Chronic ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure and cognitive function Neurotoxicology and Teratology 2014 Air quality, Geothermal gases & water, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Reed, B. R., Crane, J., Garrett, N., Woods, D. L., Bates, M. N.
Chronic exposure to non-eruptive volcanic activity as cause of bronchiolar histomorphological alteration and inflammation in mice Environmental Pollution 2019 Animal health, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water, Radiological impacts Toxicological Camarinho, R., Garcia, P., Choi, H., Rodrigues, A.
Chronic exposure to volcanic environments and cancer incidence in the Azores, Portugal Science of the Total Environment 2006 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Amaral, A., Rodrigues, V., Oliveira, J., Pinto, C., Carneiro, V., Sanbento, R., Cunha, R., Rodrigues, A.