The eruption of Hekla 1947-48 - Fluorosis of farm animals during the Hekla eruption of 1947-1948 |
Soc. Sci. Island Special Publicatoin |
1957 |
Animal health, Water quality and/or fluoride |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Sigurdarson, B., Pálsson, P. |
Observations on air pollution aspects of Irazu volcano, Costa Rica |
Public Health Reports |
1964 |
Air quality, Animal health, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Dermal, dental and ocular impacts, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing |
Horton, R. J. M., McCaldin, R. O. |
The association of endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs in East Africa with solid derived from volcanic rocks |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicene and Hygene |
1976 |
Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Price, E. W. |
The elemental content of lymphatic tissues of barefooted people in Ethiopia, with reference to endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
1978 |
Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals |
Toxicological |
Price, E. W., Henderson, W. J. |
Health effects of volcanic ashes of Mt. Sakurajima |
Japanese Journal of Public Health |
1978 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Wakisaka, I., Takano, A., Watanabe, N. |
Dental findings in high‐fluoride areas in Ethiopia |
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology |
1979 |
Dermal, dental and ocular impacts, Water quality and/or fluoride |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Olsson, B. |
Mount St. Helens ash from the 18 May 1980 eruption: Chemical, physical, mineralogical and biological properties |
Science |
1980 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Radiological impacts |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Fruchter, J. S., Robertson, D. E., Evans, J. C., Olsen, K. B., Lepel, E. A., Laul, J. C., Abel, K. H., Sanders, R. W., Jackson, P. O., Wogman, N. S., Perkins, R. W., Vant Tuyl, R. L., Beauchamp, R. H., Shade, J. W., Daniel, J. L., Erikson, R. L., Sehmel, G. A., Lee, R. N., Robinson, A. V., Moss, O. R., Briant, J. K., Cannon, W. C. |
Soufriere of Guadeloupe 1976–1977 eruption—Mass and energy transfer and volcanic health hazards |
Bulletin Volcanologique |
1980 |
Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Water quality and/or fluoride |
Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing |
Le Guern, F., Bernard, A., Chevrier, R. M. |
Volcanoes and carcinoma of the thyroid: a possible association |
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal |
1981 |
Non-respiratory diseases |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Kung, T. M., Ng, W. L., Gibson, J. B. |
Deaths during the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens |
The New England Journal of Medicine |
1981 |
Injuries and Fatalities |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Eisele, J. W., O’Halloran, R. L. , Reay, D. T. , Lindholm, G. R. , Lewman, L. V., Brady, W. J. |
Effect of Mount St. Helens ash on the response of rat trachea to smooth muscle agonists |
Environmental Research |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Fedan, J. S., Ma, J., Fromelel, G., Mentnech, M. S. |
Risk assessment in volcanic ash exposure |
Chest |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Weill, H. |
Evaluation of the potential pulmonary hazards of breathing-zone exposures to Mount St. Helens volcanic ash in loggers: the results of short-term toxicological, environmental and epidemiological studies |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Bernstein, R. S., McCawley, M. A., Attfield, M. D., Green, F. H. Y., Olenchock, S. A., Dollberg, D. D. |
Quantitative analysis of Mount St. Helens ash by X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
Journal of Applied Meteorology |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Davis, B. L., Johnson, L. R., Griffen, D. T., Phillips, W. R., Stevens, R. K., Maughan, D. |
Mount St Helens eruptions, May 18 to June 12, 1980. An overview of the acute health impact |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Baxter, P. J., Ing, R., Falk, H., French, J., Stein, G. F., Bernstein, R. S., Merchant, J. A., Allard, J. |
Response of hamster trachea in organ culture to Mount St. Helens volcano ash |
Scanning Electron Microscopy |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Schiff, L. J., Byrne, M. M., Elliott, S. F., Moore, S. J., Ketels, K. V., Graham, J. A. |
Asthmatic bronchitis associated with a volcanic eruption in St. Vincent, West Indies |
Disasters |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Leus, X., West, C. M. |
Is volcanic ash a pneumoconiosis risk? |
Nature |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Green, F. H. Y., Vallyathan, V., Mentnech, M. S., Tucker, J. H., Merchant, J. A., Kiessling, P. J., Antonius, J. A., Parshley, P. |
Laser Raman spectrometry for the determination of crystalline silica polymorphs in volcanic ash |
Annals of Chemistry |
1981 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Gage, D. R., Farwell, S. O. |
Are volcanoes hazardous to your health? What have we learned from Mount St Helens? |
Western Journal of Medicine |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Buist, A. S. |
Volcanic ash: toxicity to isolated lung cells |
Journal of Toxicological, Environmental Health |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Castranova, V., Bowman, L., Shreve, J. M., Jones, G. S., Miles, P. R. |
Volcanic Gases and Health - Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua |
Lancet |
1982 |
Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Baxter, P. J., Stoiber, R. E., Williams, S. N. |
The effects of Mount St. Helens ash on the pulmonary function of 120 elementary school children |
American Review of Respiratory Disease |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Exposure and urban pollutants |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Johnson, K. A., Loftsgaarden, D. O., Gideon, R. A. |
In vitro response of human pulmonary macrophages with volcanic ash: a morphological study' |
Experimental Molecular Pathology |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Dodson, R. F., Martin, R. R., O'Sullivan, M. F., Hurst, G. A. |
An example of health hazard: people killed by gas during a phreatic eruption: Dieng Plateau (Java, Indonesia), February 20th 1979 |
Bulletin Volcanologique |
1982 |
Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Le Guern, F., Tazieff, H., Pierret, R. F. |
Health implications of the Mount St. Helens eruption: epidemiological considerations |
Annals of Occupational Hygiene |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Merchant, J. A., Baxter, P. J., Bernstein, R. S., McCawley, M., Falk, H., Stein, G. F., Ing, R., Attfield, M. |
In the wake of Mount St. Helens |
Annals of Emergency Medicine |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Nania, J. M., Bruya, T. E. |
Nutritional status of vulnerable groups in evacuation centres during the eruption of La Soufriere Volcano in St. Vincent, 1979 |
Disasters |
1982 |
Evacuation, displacement, place attachment |
Gueri, M., Allen, B., Iton, M. |
Health implications of the Mount St. Helens’ eruption: Laboratory investigations |
Annals of Occupational Hygiene |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Green, F. H. Y., Bowman, L., Castranova, V., Dollberg, D. D., Elliot, J. A., Fedan, J. S., Hahon, N., Judy, D. J., Major, P. C., Mentnech, M. S., Miles, P. R., Mull, J. C., Olenchock, S. A., Ong, T., Pailes, W. M., Resnick, H., Stettler, L. E., Tucker, J. G., Vallyathan, V., Whong, W. |
Pulmonary toxicity of Mount St. Helens volcanic ash |
Environmental Research |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Sanders, C. L., Conklin, A. W., Gelman, R. A., Adee, R. R., Rhoads, K. |
Pyroclastic flow injury: Mount St. Helens, May 18, 1980. |
The American Journal of Surgery |
1982 |
Injuries and Fatalities, Non-respiratory diseases |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Parshley, P., Kiessling, P. J., Antonius, J. A., Connell, R. S., Miller, S. H., Green, F. H. Y. |
The short-term effects of volcanic ash on the small airways of the respiratory system |
Environmental Research |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Akematsu, T, Dodson, R. F., Williams, M. C., Hurst, G. A. |
Fine particles in the Soufrière eruption plume |
Science |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Woods, D. C., Chuan, R. L. |
Medical aspects of volcanic disasters: an outline of the hazards and emergency response measures |
Disasters |
1982 |
Emergency planning and response |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Baxter, P. J., Bernstein, R. S., Falk, H., French, J. |
Research report on the human effect of volcanic exhaust (Sakurajima), 1980–1981 report |
Tuberculosis and chronic disease division, Public Health Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Tokyo |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Research Committee on Volcanic Emissions |
The pulmonary toxicity of an ash sample from the Mount St. Helens volcano |
Experimental Lung Research |
1982 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Beck, B. D., Brain, J. D., Bohannon, D. E. |
Ocular effects following the volcanic eruptions of Mount St. Helens |
Archives of Ophthalmology |
1983 |
Dermal, dental and ocular impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Fraunfelder, F. T., Kalina, R. E., Buist, A. S., Johnson, D. S. |
Pulmonary toxicity of Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash: a review of experimental studies |
American Review of Respiratory Disease |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Martin, T. R., Wehner, A. P., Butler, J. |
Changes in humoral immunologic parameters after exposure to volcanic ash |
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Olenchock, S. A., Mull, J. C., Mentnech, M. S., Lewis, D. M., Bernstein, R. S. |
Correlations between elephantiasis and thermoluminescence of volcanic soil |
Radiation Effects |
1983 |
Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Blanke, J. H., Price, E. W., Rendell, H. M., Terry, J., Townsend, P. D., Wintle, A. G. |
Effect of volcanic activities of Mt. Sakurajima on mortality due to respiratory diseases |
Japanese Journal of Public Health |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Wakisaka, I., Yanagihashi, T., Tomari, T., Ando, T. |
Pulmonary response to Mount St. Helens' volcanic ash |
Environmental Research |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Vallyathan, V., Mentnech, M. S., Tucker, J. H., Green, F. H. |
Health effects of volcanic activities of Mt. Sakurajima on school children |
Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Wakisaka, I., Yanagihashi, T., Tomari, T., Ando, T. |
An outbreak of waterborne giardiasis associated with heavy water runoff due to warm weather and volcanic ashfall |
American Journal of Public Health |
1983 |
Water quality and/or fluoride |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Weniger, B. G., Blaser, M. J., Gedrose, J., Lippy, E. C., Juranek, D. D. |
Long-term reactivity of lung and mediastinal lymph nodes following intratracheal instillation of sandy loam soil of Mount St. Helens volcanic ash |
Environmental Research |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Sanders, C. L., Rhoads, K., Mahaffey, J. A. |
Health hazards of volcanic eruptions |
Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London |
1983 |
Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Baxter, P. J. |
Mount St. Helens eruptions: the acute respiratory effects of volcanic ash in a North American community |
Archives of Environmental Health |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Baxter, P. J., Ing, R., Falk, H., Plikaytis, B. |
Acute effects of volcanic ash from Mount Saint Helens on lung function in children |
American Review of Respiratory Disease |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Buist, A. S., Johnson, L. R., Vollmer, W. M., Sexton, G. J., Kanarek, P. H. |
Mount St. Helens' volcanic ash: hemolytic activity |
Environmental Research |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Vallyathan, V., Mentnech, M. S., Stettler, L. E., Dollberg, D. D., Green, F. H. |
Health risks linked with inhalation of volcanic gases and aerosols |
1983 |
Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Faivre-Pierret, R., Le Guern, F. |
Pulmonary response to Mount St. Helens’ volcanic ash |
Environmental Research |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Vallyathan, V., Mentnech, M. S., Tucker, J. H., Green, F. H. |
Biology of disease. Health effects on Mount St. Helens volcanic dust |
Laboratory Investigation |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Craighead, J. E., Adler, K. B., Butler, G. B., Emerson, R. J., Mossman, B. T., Woodworth, C. D. |
Comparative effects of inhaled volcanic ash and quartz in rats |
American Review of Respiratory Disease |
1983 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Martin, T. R., Chi, E. Y., Covert, D. S., Hodson, W. A., Kessler, D. E., Moore, W. E., Altman, L. C., Butler, J. |
Mannfall í Móðuharðindin (Human mortality during the Haze Hardships, Icelandic |
1984 |
Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Hálfdanarson, G. |
Experimental studies on the effects of Mt. Sakurajima volcanic ashes on the respiratory organs |
Japanese Journal of Industrial Health |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Shirakawa, M., Fukushuma, R., Kyushima, K. |
Lung clearance of neutron-activated Mount St. Helens ash in the rat |
Environmental Research |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Wehner, A. P., Wilkerson, C. L., Stevens, D. L. |
After Mount St. Helens: Disaster stress research |
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services |
1984 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Murphy, S. A. |
Environmental factors in the ethology of endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs in tropical Africa |
Tropical and Geographical Medicine |
1984 |
Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Price, E. W., Bailey, D. |
Stress levels and health status of victims of a natural disaster |
Research in Nursing and Health |
1984 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Murphy, S. A. |
Effects of the volcanic activities of Mt. Sakurajima on mortality figures |
Japanese Journal of Public Health |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Wakisaka, I., Yangihashi, T., Tomari, T. |
Interaction of Mount St. Helens’ volcanic ash with cells of the respiratory epithelium |
Environmental Research |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Adler, K. B., Mossman, B. T., Butler, G. B., Jean, L. M. , Craighead, J. E. |
Effect of silica and volcanic ash on the content of lung alveolar and tissue phospholipids |
Environmental Research |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Kornbrust, D. J., Hatch, G. E. |
The comparative toxicity of volcanic ash and quartz. Effects on cells derived from the human lung |
American Review of Respiratory Disease |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Martin, T. R., Ayars, G., Butler, J., Altman, L. C. |
Comparative in vitro cytotoxicity of volcanic ashes from Mount St Helens, El Chichon, and Galunggung |
Journal of Toxicological Environmental Health |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Vallyathan, V., Robinson, V., Reasor, M., Stettler, L. E., Bernstein, R. |
Health effects of volcanic ashes from Mt. Sakurajima on the school children |
Igaku Kenkyu |
1984 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Yoshida, Y. |
Health Effects of volcanic activities of Mt, Sakurajima in the mortality statistics |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Air Pollution |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Wakisaka, I., Yangihashi, T., Ono, M., Hirano, S. |
In vitro biological effects of volcanic ash from Mount Sakurajima |
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Yano, E., Takeuchi, A., Nishii, S., Koizumi, A., Poole, A., Brown, R. C., Johnson, N. F., Evans, P. H., Yukiyama, Y. |
Inhalation studies of Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash in animals. I. Introduction and exposure system |
Environmental Research |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Graham, J. A., Miller, F. J., Davies, D. W., Hiteshew, M. E., Walsh, L. C. |
Inhalation studies of Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash in animals: II. Lung function, biochemistry and histology |
Environmental Research |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Raub, J. A., Hatch, G. E., Mercer, R. R., Grady, M., Hu, P.-C. |
Inhalation studies of Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash in animals: Respiratory mechanics, airway reactivity and deposition |
Environmental Research |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Wiester, M. J., Setzer, C. J., Barry, B. E., Mercer, R. R., Grady, M. A. |
Respirable Crystalline Silica in Ash Erupted from Galunggung Volcano, Indonesia, 1982 |
Atmospheric Environment |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Nicol, E. R. , Lee, E. S., Murrow, P. J. |
Inhalation studies of Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash in animals: III. Host Defense Mechanisms |
Environmental Research |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Grose, E. C., Grady, M. A., Illing, J. W., Daniels, M. J., Selgrade, M. K., Hatch, G. E. |
Childhood asthma hospitalization rates in Spokane County, Washington |
Journal of Asthma |
1985 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Kraemer, M. J., McCarthy, M. M. |
Identification of the physical and chemical characteristics of volcanic hazards |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Olsen, K. B., Fruchter, J. S. |
Volcanic activity: a review for health professionals |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Newhall, C. G., Fruchter, J. S. |
Health effects of volcanoes: an approach to evaluating the health effects of an environmental hazard |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Buist, A. S., Berstein, R. S. |
Evaluation of physical health effects due to volcanic hazards - the use of experimental systems to estimate the pulmonary toxicity of volcanic ash |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Martin, T. R., Wehner, A. P., Butler, J. |
Week-to-week variations in mortality in areas exposed to volcanic air pollution |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Air Pollution |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Wakisaka, I., Yanagihashi, T. |
Evaluation of physical health effects due to volcanic hazards: human studies |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Non-respiratory diseases |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Buist, A. S., Bernstein, R. S., Johnson, L. R., Vollmer, W. M. |
The development of a multidisciplinary plan for evaluation of the long-term health effects of the Mount St. Helens eruptions |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Buist, A. S., Martin, T. R., Shore, J. H., Butler, J., Lybarger, J. A. |
Lung changes in rats following inhalation exposure to volcanic ash for two years |
Environmental Research |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Wehner, A. P., Dagle, G. E. , Clark, M. L. , Buschbom, R. L. |
Status of natural disaster victims' health and recovery 1 and 3 years later |
Research in Nursing and Health |
1986 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Murphy, S. A. |
Evaluation of mental effects of disaster, Mount St. Helens eruption |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Shore, J. H., Tatum, E. L., Vollmer, W. M. |
Evaluation of physical health effects due to volcanic hazards: crystalline silica in Mount St. Helens volcanic ash |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica |
Physicochemical or geochemical |
Dollberg, D. D., Bolyard, M. L., Smith, D. L. |
Thyroid cancer incidence in relation to volcanic activity |
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal |
1986 |
Non-respiratory diseases |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Arnbjörnsson, E., Arnbjörnsson, A., Ólafsson, A. |
Preventive health measures in volcanic eruptions |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Emergency planning and response |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Baxter, P. J., Bernstein, R. S., Buist, A. S. |
Psychiatric reactions to disaster: the Mount St. Helens experience |
American Journal of Psychiatry |
1986 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Shore, J. H., Tatum, E. L., Vollmer, W. M. |
Chronic pulmonary effects of volcanic ash: An epidemiologic study |
Archives of Environmental Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Yano, E., Nishii, S., Yokoyama, Y. |
A four-year prospective study of the respiratory effects of volcanic ash from Mt. St. Helens |
American Review of Respiratory Disease |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Buist, A. S., Vollmer, W. M., Johnson, L. R., Bernstein, R. S., McCamant, L. E. |
Immediate public health concerns and actions in volcanic eruptions: lessons from the Mount St. Helens eruptions, May 18- October 18, 1980 |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities, Non-respiratory diseases |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Bernstein, R. S., Baxter, P. J., Falk, H., Ing, R., Foster, L., Frost, F. |
Introduction to the epidemiological aspects of explosive volcanism |
American Journal of Public Health |
1986 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Reviews/ Overviews |
Bernstein, R. S., Baxter, P. J., Buist, A. S. |
Screening for the psychological consequences of a major disaster in a developing country: Armero, Colombia |
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica |
1987 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Lima, B. R., Pai, S., Santacruz, H., Lozano, J., Luna, J. |
Seasonal variations in the responses to a respiratory symptom questionnaire: a study in an area exposed to volcanic ash |
Japanese Journal of Public Health |
1987 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Higashi, H., Yano, E., Yokoyama, Y., Nishii, S., Koizumi, A., Maeda, K. |
Pulmonary function of loggers exposed to the volcanic ash from Mt. Sakurajima |
Japanese Journal of Public Health |
1987 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Yano, E., Higashi, H., Nishii, S., Koizumi, A., Yokoyama, Y. |
The distribution of atmospheric sulfur dioxide concentrations in the residential areas surrounding Mount Sakurajima, Japan |
Medical Journal of Kagoshima University |
1987 |
Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing |
Wakisaka, I., Tominaga, K., Yanagihashi, T., Tomari, T., Ando, T. |
The Armero tragedy: lessons for mental health professionals |
Hospital and Community Psychiatry |
1987 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Social research |
Cohen, R. E. |
Mental health assistance for disaster victims activities developed in Armero, Colombia |
Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana |
1988 |
Emergency planning and response, Psychological and mental impacts |
Social research |
Lima, B. R., Lozano, J., Santacruz, H. |
Pulmonary macrophages are attracted to inhaled particles through complement activation |
Experimental Lung Research |
1988 |
Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory |
Toxicological |
Warheit, D. B., Overby, L. H., George, G., Brody, A. R. |
Primary mental health care for the victims of the disaster in Armero, Colombia |
Acta psiquiatrica y psicologica de America latina |
1988 |
Psychological and mental impacts |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Lima, B. R., Santacruz, H., Lozano, J., Luna, J., Pai, S. |
Medical evaluation of the victims of the 1986 Lake Nyos disaster |
Journal of Forensic Sciences |
1988 |
Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities |
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance |
Wagner, G. N., Clark, M. A., Koenigsberg, E. J., Decata, S. J. |